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Updated: 01.2024


This document sets out the terms of use (hereinafter the "Terms") governing access to and use of the software platform "NIALUM" (hereinafter the "Platform"), including content and services made available to users (hereinafter the "User" and, where appropriate, the "Users") through the Platform. The Platform is owned by Netalink España 4.0, SL (hereinafter "NIALUM") and has been hired by the school to which the User belongs or has belonged as a student (hereinafter the "Center"). In this sense, User is to be understood as those who have studied at the Center and who want to access the Platform to maintain contact with their peers, the Center and the educational community. However, access to and use of certain content and / or services may be subject to certain specific conditions that complement and, where appropriate, prevail over the content of these Conditions. Any matter not expressly provided for in these Conditions shall be reserved to the Center and NIALUM, without prejudice to the application of the provisions of current regulations. Also, the Center and NIALUM reserve the right to make changes and / or updates to these Conditions when they deem appropriate, after notifying the User at least 15 calendar days prior to the date of entry into force of the changes. The User may accept or reject the changes proposed by the Center and NIALUM. If the User accepts the changes, the Conditions will be modified in the agreed terms. If the User rejects the changes, you may unsubscribe from the Platform without penalty, communicating it to the Center and NIALUM in writing before the date of entry into force of the changes. Access and use of the Platform implies that the User expressly and unreservedly accepts the terms of these Conditions, having the same validity and effectiveness as any contract concluded in writing and signed, so if you do not agree with these Conditions, we suggest that you do not use it.


NIALUM is a software that provides a Platform in which the Centers will be able to create their alumni communities, as closed communities. It is a unique integral platform that allows a fluid, current and direct communication between the Centers and the alumni that have been part of the history of their educational community, with the intention of connecting them so that they can share and help to build. It tries to have a social impact on people so that they can positively influence the learning and future development of students who are currently in school, as well as the benefits that the interaction between Users can generate. In addition, it allows the User to carry out the following actions: - Both the Centers and the Users may publish, view or interact with any type of information related to different topics that may be of interest to other Users such as: o A professional space, which may include issues related to employment, scholarships, entrepreneurship, mentoring and success stories that can motivate other people. o A society space, composed of different sections related to general news about people who belong to the community, as well as aspects related to sports and culture. o A space dedicated to social commitment, with topics related to sustainability, the environment and solidarity. o A benefits club, where anyone belonging to the community can offer their professional services with different discounts, promotions, etc. o A calendar where different events can be created in which all or part of the community can participate. o A place where you can share and enjoy photographs of different times that evoke the memory and the good times enjoyed.


3.1. Registro El acceso, registro y uso de la Plataforma son completamente gratuitos para el Usuario salvo que el Centro decida lo contrario. • Para registrarse y utilizar la Plataforma como Usuario deberá ser mayor de edad. El Centro se reserva expresamente la facultad de requerirle la acreditación de esta edad y de otras informaciones tendentes a verificar su identidad para prevenir el acceso a la Plataforma a usuarios no permitidos. • Puede registrarse inmediatamente después de acceder a la Plataforma. • Asimismo, en el proceso de registro, debe proporcionar los datos estrictamente necesarios para que pueda completar su perfil en la Plataforma, indicando, al menos, su nombre y apellidos, correo electrónico, ciudad de residencia, fecha de nacimiento o promoción e introducir una contraseña robusta. 3.2. Verificación del perfil El proceso de registro concluirá mediante la confirmación del número de teléfono mediante código de verificación. Sin perjuicio de lo anterior, para verificar el perfil del Usuario, se le remitirá un correo electrónico a la dirección proporcionada en el momento de registro en el que se incluirá un enlace de confirmación que deberá clicar. En caso de no recibir el e-mail de confirmación, por favor, revise el buzón de correo no deseado. En el supuesto de que no haya recibido en ninguno de sus buzones dicho e-mail, debe ponerse en contacto con el Centro y con NIALUM para resolver esta incidencia a través de los canales habilitados al efecto o a través del correo electrónico: Asimismo, puede volver a solicitar el correo para confirmar su cuenta desde la sección de registro o en la de iniciar sesión. 3.3. Baja como Usuario En cualquier momento puede solicitar su baja de la Plataforma, bastando para ello que siga los pasos tendentes a eliminar su cuenta. Deberá acudir a la sección “Perfil” y clicar en el botón “Eliminar perfil”. En el caso de cursar la baja como Usuario, perderá todos los datos e información Asimismo, puede solicitarlo mediante comunicación escrita al Centro y a NIALUM, indicando su nombre de Usuario, su correo electrónico, el Centro y, en su caso, la red social utilizada para el alta. El Centro y NIALUM se reservan el derecho de requerir más información al Usuario para demostrar su vinculación con el perfil requerido y evitar que terceros ajenos a los perfiles puedan solicitar la eliminación de cuentas de Usuarios. En cualquier caso, podrá solicitar un nuevo registro, pudiendo el Centro no admitir dicho registro en los casos en los que haya contravenido lo dispuesto en las presentes Condiciones o haya actuado de forma contraria a la ley, la moral o el orden público. Asimismo, el Centro podrá no admitir dicho registro en caso de conflicto o controversia suscitado entre las partes, que se encuentre por resolver o que haya finalizado con reconocimiento de dolo o culpa del Usuario y/o perjuicio del Centro o de NIALUM, a sus colaboradores, resto de Usuarios, clientes o potenciales clientes.


Access to and use of the Platform are, in general and except for specific functionalities, free of charge. These specific features will be subject to the economic conditions set out, where appropriate, in the relevant applicable special conditions. NIALUM may offer the Center and its Users the ability to test certain features or services for free for a specified period of time. This free trial shall be governed by these Terms and, where appropriate, by the particular conditions. At the end of the free trial period, the Center and its Users may decide whether they wish to continue using the Platform and, if so, which functionalities or services they wish to contract and under what economic conditions. The Center shall have the power to establish whether or not to charge its alumni for the use of the Platform, as well as the amount and method of payment, if applicable. NIALUM will inform the Center and its Users of the options available and the steps to follow to confirm or cancel their subscription to the Platform.


NIALUM owns or, where appropriate, has the appropriate licenses on intellectual property rights, industrial, image or any other similar rights on the Platform, as well as all content offered therein, including but not limited to photographs, illustrations, logos, trademarks, graphics, designs, interfaces or any other information or content included therein. The Center and NIALUM are responsible for the Platform and the services offered, and have the right to exploit, modify, distribute, publicly communicate and transfer them to third parties, in accordance with the conditions established. The User has a non-exclusive right of use, for the sole purpose of being able to use the Platform and the services offered, in accordance with these Conditions and the special conditions established in each case. On the other hand, the User to use, publish or include content on the Platform, grants the Center and NIALUM a non-exclusive license for the maximum period permitted by applicable law and worldwide, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication (including making available) and transformation of such content, by any means and in any form, in order to show it to the rest of the Users of the environment in which it is located. The User represents and warrants that it owns or has sufficient rights to the content published or included in the Platform, and that do not infringe any intellectual property rights, industrial, image or any other third party. The User also undertakes to respect the rights of intellectual property, industrial, image or any other nature of other Users, the Center and NIALUM, and not to use them without their express permission.


6.1. Attention to the User The User has at its disposal the user support service by which the Center and NIALUM will answer your queries, complaints and suggestions raised. The User can access the user support service through the following e-mail contact: The Center and NIALUM will respond to complaints or queries in the shortest possible time and, in any case, within a maximum period of one (1) month. Communication between the parties All communications between the Center, NIALUM and the User, relating to these Conditions shall be made in writing through the communication channels offered on the Platform and, failing that, by email provided by each of the parties. In the case of the User that with which it is registered and the Center and NIALUM through:


In the event that the Platform shows links to websites through different buttons, links, banners, etc., the Center and NIALUM inform Users that these links are directly managed by third parties, and the Center and NIALUM can not control or approve all the information contained in other platforms or websites to which links can be established from the Platform. Consequently, the Center and NIALUM shall not assume any responsibility for any aspect related to any of these platforms or websites. In any case, these links do not imply that there is any relationship, collaboration or dependence between the Center and NIALUM and the responsible for the platform or external website. In this sense, if you become aware that the activities carried out through these websites or platforms are illegal or contravene morality or public order, you must immediately notify the Center and NIALUM so that they can analyze this circumstance and, if necessary, proceed to disable the link on the Platform.


The Center and NIALUM undertake that the contents, data or information relating to the Platform and the services offered therein are reliable, truthful and accurate. However, they shall not be liable for information or content that has been entered, displayed or modified by third parties outside the Center and NIALUM. Thus, the Center and NIALUM disclaims any liability for damages that may be due to information and / or services provided or supplied by third parties outside the Platform. Also, NIALUM declares that it has taken all necessary measures within its means and the state of the art to ensure the proper functioning of the Platform and reduce system errors from a technical point of view. However, the Center and NIALUM shall not be liable in case of unavailability of the Platform when this is due to circumstances beyond their control, force majeure or error in the process of User registration by providing inaccurate information. However, in such cases, the Center or NIALUM will contact the User in order to find the best solution. NIALUM shall use all commercial and technical efforts at its disposal to keep available the services offered through the Platform, which is an obligation that, however, shall not apply to any lack of availability or performance caused by: - Temporary inactivity of the Platform due to an update and / or technical maintenance, which will try to inform as far in advance as possible; and - Causes beyond the control of NIALUM: Internet access problems, technological problems beyond the diligent and reasonable management of the owner of the Platform, actions or omissions of third parties, etc.. In all cases referred to, beyond the control and reasonable expectation of NIALUM, shall not give rise to compensation to the User for damages that may arise. Consequently, NIALUM does not guarantee and is not responsible for: - the continuity of the contents included in the Platform; - the absence of errors in such content; - the absence of viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs and / or other malicious or technologically harmful components in the Platform or the server that supplies it; - the invulnerability of the Platform and / or the impossibility of violating the security measures adopted therein; - the lack of usefulness or performance of the contents of the Platform; - the Platform failures caused by any kind of attack on its servers or those of third party service providers NIALUM, as well as technical or security failures of the system of any of these providers that prevent the operation of the Platform; - the damage or harm caused, to himself or to a third party, by any person who violates the conditions, rules and instructions that NIALUM establishes on the Platform or through the violation of security systems. In case of closure or suspension of the Platform for reasons beyond the control of the parties, the User will be informed of this circumstance by communicating, for example, the transfer of the service to a new domain.


NIALUM may suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt at any time access to the Platform, with or without prior notice to those who contravene these Conditions, without the possibility of claiming any compensation.


It is not permitted to access or use the Platform for illegal or unauthorized purposes, with or without economic purpose, so the User shall be solely responsible for the actions that originate such purposes. In particular, and without the list being absolute or limitative in nature, it is forbidden: - use the Platform in any way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its operation or in third party devices; - use the Platform for the transmission, installation or publication of any virus, Trojan horse, worm, logic bomb, malicious code or other harmful programs or files; - use the Platform to transmit material for advertising or promotional purposes, including spam, chain emails or similar; - use the Platform in a manner that constitutes an infringement of the rights of the Centre, NIALUM or any third party; - use the Platform to transmit or publish any material of a defamatory, offensive, racist, denigrating, or threatening nature or that may annoy, harm or merely affect any person; - use the Platform to collect personal data of other users; - use the Platform illegally, against good faith, morality and / or public order; - access without authorization to any section of the Platform, other systems or networks connected to it, any NIALUM server or services offered through the Platform by hacking or forgery, password mining or any other illegitimate means; - carry out any action that causes a disproportionate or unnecessary saturation in the infrastructure of the Platform or in the systems or networks of NIALUM, as well as systems and networks connected to the Platform itself. Failure to comply with any of the above obligations by the User may entail the adoption by NIALUM of appropriate measures covered by law and in the exercise of their rights or obligations, and may reach the removal or blocking of the account of the User offender, without any possibility of compensation for damages caused.


The User shall at all times respect these Conditions. In this sense, the User expressly states that he/she will use the Platform diligently and assumes any liability that may arise from breach of these Conditions. Also not be allowed to use the Platform for illegal or unauthorized, with or without economic purpose. Both the services offered and the information contained in the Platform may not be used for commercial or advertising purposes without the express prior authorization of the Center and NIALUM. In addition, the User shall be responsible for any communication, content, personal data, opinions and suggestions for new features and filters provided to the Platform. This responsibility covers the accuracy, legality, originality and ownership of such communications, and must hold harmless the Center and NIALUM. If you become aware of the existence of any content that is unlawful, illegal, contrary to law or that could involve an infringement of third party rights, you must immediately notify the Center and NIALUM so that they can proceed to take appropriate measures. In the event that the User carries out any action likely to be considered as unlawful, illegal, contrary to law or that could involve the infringement or violation of third party rights, you will do so under your sole responsibility, holding harmless the Center and NIALUM for their actions.


In order to use the Platform, the User must have an Internet connection and a device with a browser compatible with the Platform, and the User is responsible for all costs associated with such connection, including costs associated with data traffic, regardless of where the User uses the Platform. The User is responsible for all costs associated with such connection, including those costs associated with data traffic, regardless of where the User makes use of the Platform. The current version of the Platform is available for the following browsers: - Chrome; - Firefox; - Safari; and - Microsoft Edge. We may discontinue support for any of the browsers at any time at our discretion. When a browser is no longer supported, we will cease to deal with any problems Users may encounter. Browser settings must allow the use of cookies and other similar devices to at least allow the insertion of technical and functional cookies. Also, you should not have any pop-up blocker. To have a good user experience, it is necessary a connection speed of at least 3MB/s. In no event shall NIALUM be liable for Internet overload or failures due to problems related to equipment or networks of Users.


All clauses or terms of these Conditions must be interpreted independently and autonomously, and the rest of the stipulations shall not be affected in the event that one of them has been declared null and void by a final court ruling or arbitration decision. The clause or clauses affected shall be replaced by a new clause that replaces it or interpreted in a legally acceptable manner, which is as close as possible to the clause that the parties would have formalized had they been aware of the ineffectiveness of the clause in question. The headings of the various clauses are for information purposes only and shall not affect, qualify or extend the interpretation of the Conditions. The failure of either party to exercise or enforce any right or provision contained in these Conditions shall not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledged and agreed to in writing by it.


In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, all personal data provided during the use of the Platform will be treated in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy that you must read and accept. The Center and NIALUM undertake to keep confidential personal data to which they have access by virtue of the provision of services offered through the Platform, as well as to adopt the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of the same and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. The User agrees to keep your personal data updated and to inform the Center and NIALUM any changes that occur in them. Likewise, the User may exercise his/her rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition, limitation and portability, as well as revoke his/her consent, by contacting the Center and NIALUM through the channels enabled for this purpose or by e-mail:


In the event that any of the clauses of these Conditions, the Special Conditions or their Annexes should be declared null and void, in whole or in part, such nullity shall not affect the validity of the rest of the Conditions, the Special Conditions or their Annexes, and such provisions shall remain in force without being affected by such declaration of nullity. The clauses declared null or voidable shall be replaced by a new one that replaces it or interpreted in a legally acceptable manner, which is as close as possible to the clause that the parties would have formalized had they been aware of the ineffectiveness of the clause in question. The headings of the different clauses are merely informative and shall not affect, qualify or broaden the interpretation of the Conditions. The non-exercise or enforcement by either party of any right or provision contained in these Conditions shall not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledged and agreed in writing by you. For any dispute relating to this Platform or any of the NIALUM shall be resolved by the courts and tribunals of the domicile of the User. Also and to the extent that it applies considerations relating to consumers and users in the relationship between NIALUM and the User, the User may go to the "Dispute Resolution Platform of the Commission" to try to resolve out of court any dispute arising from the provision of services by NIALUM, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the settlement of consumer disputes online. Through the following link the User may send his complaint to a dispute body authorized by the Commission: In any case, to file complaints in the use of the services offered through the Platform, the User may contact via mail to the following address:, committing ourselves to seek at all times an amicable solution to the conflict.