Step 1
Open the app and tap on the user profile icon located at the top right.
Hello 👋 How can I help you? Hola 👋 ¿En qué puedo ayudarte?
We want to inform you that the cancellation process involves the complete and permanent deletion of your account and all associated data. This includes your profile, usage history, preferences, and any other information that has been collected during the time you used the app.
Please note that this process is irreversible. Once your account is deleted, you will not be able to recover any data and will lose access to all services and features of the app.
Open the app and tap on the user profile icon located at the top right.
Expand the section labeled "Profile" to access all your personal data.
At the bottom, you must tap the button that says "Delete profile" and then confirm.
If you have questions about how to do something, send us a message and we will respond as soon as possible.